
Showing posts with the label post

part 3 of my transmedial piano cycle 'Antennen'

Since October 2023, I'm composing part 3 of my transmedial Piano-Cycle 'Antennen' for social media. As opposed to part II and I, which were classically notated, the recent one develops interactively from iteration to iteration - programming further modules for my 'Maxgram Piano Machine' and balancing the basic influencer essences of the 7 Elements from the Score of Influence. Antenne 3c [excerpts] influenced by my Anita Instagram Opus No.212 @ Element No.1: program notes (post description): my Anita @stankoanita is influencing the recent version 3c of the transmedial piano-cycle 'Antennen' (pitch parameters of slide 7 mapped to octave-transpositions of the twelve-tone rows - see slide 3 for further subpatches including: Winklers ' Maxgram Piano Machine' composing 'Antenne 3c' Anitas piece 'natural impulses [modified] - Umwandler: J. Winkler - mapped to octave-transpositions Arnold Schönberg , Anton Webe

contemporary music travels

 The Score of Influence itself is strongly influenced by travelling : around the world (and NRW) into contemporary music archives   ... and of course: in between its 7 elements (Instagram accounts) that store my compositions is the newest and most personal one, showing impressions of my past, present and future voyages (also including selfies). On each post you can hear masterpieces of 20th/21th century contemporary music (out of the Instagram music library - tracklist so far below). This will recursively influence my future compositions - and as a s(l)ide effect, you can discover some music treasures . Feel free to influence me back by sending recommendations (music - or travel destinations).    music: Klavierstück 8 - Johannes Winkler | Piano: Juan Carlos Maskerados - post music tracklist - so far: Dmaathen - Iannis Xenakis Rainforest IV - David Tudor Mach - Eres Holz / D. Susteck Study for Player Piano #21 - Conlon Nancarrow Hängebrück

composing 'Antennen' for piano - and ...

  Recently I'm composing my piano cycle Antennen - together with contemporary music pianist Juan Carlos Maskerados who functions as a piano medium inside the Score of Influence (- see last blogpost). After some 'inter-influencing' between its elements (accounts), the following project emerged:    You will now find timestretched versions of Antennen on soundcloud . The new duration of 45 minutes fits perfectly to the @wind.musik bicycle home route RS1 distance between Essen and Mühlheim NRW, Germany. In August '23 we started to live stream the performances on Instagram:   Piano/Bike: Juan Carlos Maskerados | Composition: Johannes Winkler | Partner: Wind.Musik           [edit] Meanwhile, on soundcloud, you also find stretched versions of: Antenne II - (original piano piece on #199 / slide 1) Six Paradox Mantras - Nr. 3 - (original piece on #40 / slide 4)  Klavierstück 8 - (original piece on #200 / slide 2)  

about the Score of Influence

    Welcome to the Johannes Winkler Blog. I'm a contemporary music composer and media artist based in Essen Germany. The Score of Influence is an interactive 3D sculpture , that shows an overview of the creative processes in my transmedial slide compositions total artwork. Since 2017, it has been continuously updated, documenting the current aesthetic, philosophical and technical influences between the shown subprojects: On 7 Instagram accounts, I've been composing hundreds of 'narrative miniatures' as posts (my music, animations, images, texts and didactic works), that are interacting inside and outside its social-media bubbles.    Instead of influencing followers, the primary goal is to influence the creation itself - using Instagram as a kind of dynamic oeuvre repository. On the main element the Winkler Werkverzeichnis can be swiped: Each numbered post represents a multi-page work and is telling, documenting, anticipating - about the cybernetic